Thursday, July 2, 2009

Still Here...

...and still pregnant.  This month has been a super dry blogging month.  Sorry.  I have been "done" with photo shoots for a little while.  [By done, I mean on a break for baby].  Anyway, June has been a busy month of getting the house ready, the nursery finished [finally!], and keeping my feet up.  So, that last thing is the biggest reason for not much blogging.  I use a desktop computer now and have found that sitting at it for any period of time causes my feet to swell to ginormous proportions.  NOT. FUN.  

Another excuse is that lately (the last week) I have had countless contractions (some that were very painful!) and have even been able to time them at regular intervals.  All of this excitement has led me to think baby is on his way sooner than expected.  So I've been kind of on edge.  And then yesterday morning I timed these said contractions at 3-4 minutes apart for over an hour.  (That is the threshold point for get your butt to the hospital!)  I called the Dr and they said, "go now."  So, that's exactly what I did.  Dan was at work 40 minutes away (too long when even the triage lady on the phone sounded concerned) so I called my dear friend Cindy and she excitedly zoomed over to drive me.  Dan met us there and we waited and waited...hooked up to the monitor for a long time.  Then we walked around the entire hospital for an hour.  Then we waited some more.  THEN they sent us home.  Still at 3 cm...which is apparently a "generous" reading.  So, I am just hanging out...walking, resting, doing laundry, and trying to keep my mind occupied.  One week til the due date.  Which, when I think about it, is NOTHING compared to all the time Greyson will be here in our lives.  So, I am trying to be patient and trusting that in HIS perfect timing, the God of the universe will allow our little boy to enter this world.  I know He has the perfect birthday picked out.  And you can rest assured that when that day comes, there will be a PLETHORA of photos posted on this blog.  Til then...


Stephanie Vergara said...

I'm sorry that Greyson is testing your patience, but that all sounds exciting albeit painful. I'm praying for you.


Anonymous said...

I so remember this when I was waiting for Jenna to be born. It must be scientifically proved that time really does slow down when you are pregnant! I can wait to meet this little guy! Love you! Karah