Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thank You!

I just wanted to give a quick update on Arizona's Prop 100 (I blogged before about it here).  The voting was yesterday and it passed!!  THANK YOU to all who voted and took an interest in this issue.  Our kids need the funding at their schools and unfortunately, this needed to happen.  Since my last post on this issue, the Gilbert School Board voted to keep social workers employed no matter how Prop 100 turned out, which was AWESOME.  They realized that our kids need the emotional, behavioral, and physical support that we provide in order to be successful academically in school.  So, that was great.  But now that the Prop passed, all of our employees get to keep the same pay, and not nearly as many are losing their jobs.  Literally HUNDREDS of jobs were saved just in Gilbert, THOUSANDS in the state.  Also, class sizes are staying the same, meaning they are not growing to ridiculous numbers like they could have had this not passed.  Anyway, I am done with the soapbox, I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all who voted and who value the education of our kids.  You rock.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have 33 4th graders, that is a ridiculous class size and it's going to be the same next year.