Saturday, January 10, 2009


So, I suppose it is time to confess the real reason I have been slacking on blogging and slow on getting photos back lately!  On November 4th (the fateful election day) Dan and I found out we are going to be parents!!  We couldn't be more excited and are (hopefully) ready for the changes a new little life will bring.  Our little peanut is due to arrive around July 9th, the day before our 5th anniversary.  That makes me about 14 weeks along right now.  These past 14 weeks have definitely been an adventure!  Mostly filled with lines like, "I am so hungry but nothing sounds good but if I don't eat I think I might die or at least puke or something!"  Or, "I am so tired!  I know I just slept a bunch of hours and I have a million things to do, but all I can think of is sleeping some more!"  

Anyway, we are super excited, and so thankful that God is forming this tiny miracle inside me.  I know there will be more blogging about Little One to come, but for now, here is the first of many baby photos!  

Taken at 7 1/2 weeks...

Awww what a cute little blob!

And here is what our baby looks like now...
God is incredible, isn't He?


Shannon said...

I love your little blob!!! I am just so happy for you guys! Can't wait for the many, many photos of the Little One that are to come!

Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled for you. What a beautiful blob. Take care of him/her. :) What a blessing!

The Galloway's said...

I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations again!