Sunday, March 29, 2009

Senior Sneak Peek

Here are a couple of gorgeous seniors with posts soon to come...


and Michaela...
How beautiful are they?!

Mom + Dad = 3 Beautiful Jones Boys!

Meet the Jones family.  I have known these guys for quite awhile (since Matthew was 3 I think) and they are so much fun!  We had a crazy shoot last month...with 3 boys under 6 how could it be boring?  We fed the ducks, played in the fountain, and ran around at the park.  Hopefully these shots capture their awesomeness!

Meet little Brian...
and Nicholas with his outgoing personality...
and big brother Matthew.
What a great looking family!

Monday, March 16, 2009

More of the Malloys

Love these shots of Sungu and his daddy...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Crazy Sungu :)

So I normally wait until the entire shoot is done to post my favorites, but this one just makes me laugh so much I had to share.  These are my good friends the Malloys: James, Jeehon, and little Sungu.  James is currently serving our country overseas, but was home on leave last month, so we got a family shoot in.  Sungu is almost 2 and is always moving!  This shot makes me laugh out loud because James and Jeehon were trying so hard to get him to sit still, but he found a way to do his own thing, and the result is awesome!  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beautiful Night

I took this tonight out of the car window on our way to church.  Sometimes, it is hard NOT to notice God's masterpiece in this world.  I love sunsets and with all the cloud cover for the past few days, we definitely got a beautiful show tonight.  

The Richardson Family

This is the Richardson family on our fun adventure in Downtown Scottsdale.  Such a fun Valentine-y shoot!  Enjoy, you guys!